Love & Corona is a short film written / directed by Nicole Maxali and co-directed by Ratha Nou. The story is about how a young Bay Area woman deals with being laid off during the pandemic and finds herself embracing the world of online virtual streaming of her alternate digital personality.
Love & Corona is a short film written / directed by Nicole Maxali and co-directed by Ratha Nou. The story is about how a young Bay Area woman deals with being laid off during the pandemic and finds herself embracing the world of online virtual streaming of her alternate digital personality.
Short Film
What I Did
Co-Director, Editor, Audio Engineer, VFX Supervisor,
Love & Corona| Short Film
Love & Corona is a short film written / directed by Nicole Maxali and co-directed by Ratha Nou. The story is about how a young Bay Area woman deals with being laid off during the pandemic and finds herself embracing the world of online virtual streaming of her alternate digital personality.